· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Moving on up, to the west side
Join me on my journey as employee #26 at DotNetNuke Corporation. From humble beginnings to a team of 40+, we're growing fast across multiple locations!

I started up here at DotNetNuke Corporation here just over 11 weeks ago now, I guess I am really finishing my 12th week here tomorrow. I was employee #26 I believe, and since I started I believe we’ve grown even more and are now in the range of 38 or 39 employees! Possibly 40 if you count Will Strohl but he’s not starting up for a while, and he never really counts for much anyways (for those that don’t know, Will and I rip on each other when we blog)! There are two primary offices for DNN, one in San Mateo, California where I work, and one in Langley, Canada outside of Vancouver, though there are also a few remote workers over in the UK, Australia and even spread around the United States.<a href=https://www.dotnetnuke.com/Community/Blogs/tabid/825/EntryId/2613/Moving-on-up-to-the-west-side.aspx>More…