· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

2011 So Far

Stay updated with the recap of 2011: blogging commitment, #Flickr365 photos, autocross events, baby's growth, and plans for the Super Bowl weekend!

Stay updated with the recap of 2011: blogging commitment, #Flickr365 photos, autocross events, baby's growth, and plans for the Super Bowl weekend!

So what’s gone on so far in 2011? Let’s recap on this 33rd day of the year.

So far I’ve kept up with my blogging commitment, every day, You can find a list of all the blogs at https://www.chrishammond.com/

i’ve managed to post 33 photos of myself for #Flickr365 and 33 photos of Jacqueline for #Baby365. The baby is growing! She’s up to 13lbs 13oz last time she was weighed and in the 95th percentile for height at her age, a jump from her last measurement.

I’ve managed to autocross the 350z once already this year, and have at least 2 more events coming up this month, with a possible 4th as well.

The Super Bowl is coming this weekend, I’m ready for it, we’re going to finally get up to Fairfield and see some friends we haven’t seen in probably 8 months!

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