· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
San Francisco Region SCCA Boondoggle 2011 Results
Experience the thrills of running an autocross with insights on handling a 350z and more. Discover tips from a seasoned driver at autocrossblog.com.
So today was the first day for a few things It was my first time running an autocross with the San Francisco Region of the SCCA. I must say things went fairly well, even with of the normal first event hiccups. It was my first time running this 350z on RComps, and any 350z on 18” tires on 10” wide wheels. Overall I was impressed, though I long for 315 Hoosier A6s! Today’s event was held at California’s Great America in Santa Clara, CA. I started out slow, but finally kicked it in gear a bit on my 4th and final run. I realized today that I used to drive balls to the wall all the time at an autocross, I guess in my old age I’m not doing that as much, so it took me a while to turn that switch back on. Read More at www.autocrossblog.com