· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Speaking at the St. Louis Day of .NET 2011
Join me at the St. Louis Day(s) of .Net this August 5th and 6th for a fantastic two-day event. Register by 7/8/2011 for a great price of $125.

So this year will be my 3rd year, (would be my 4th if I hadn’t bailed at the last minute on year 1), that I will be speaking at the St. Louis Day(s) of .Net. If you haven’t been to the STLDODN you should definitely check it out. It is a great two day event, and at $125 (if you register by 7/8/2011) the price can hardly be beat!
The event is being held this year on August 5th and 6th, 2011. Again at the Ameristar Casino in St. Charles, MO, about 10 minutes from where I used to live (two moves ago now).