· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
The first weekend in HMB is over
Discover a day full of adventures: from fixing a shower, battling ants, to a bike ride to the beach. Follow along for more on daily life in Half Moon Bay.

It’s been a busy few days. moving, unpacking, trying to get things organized, driving to civilization to pick up supplies (a couple of times now). We had a few things that required trips to Home Depot.
The shower here had some major flow issues (there was hardly any), not to mention it was at a height which required kneeling to wash your hair. So we picked up a new pipe to raise the shower up, and a new shower head that helped greatly to bring the water pressure back to a livable level. $30 later and the shower rocks!
The house appears to have an ant problem, nothing too major, but definitely ants have made it in, and are roaming around. So we picked up some bug killer and sprayed it around the house. It appears to have killed off the flow of ants into the house, we’ll see how the ones that are already here survive. We put some ant bait around.
We also had to head to the old place to set the garbage out last night, and then take the cans back in this morning. Only one, maybe two more trips over there for us. Natalie is meeting a cleaning company there on Thursday to clean things up, then we’ll do the inspection when the landlord is back in town.
After running around this afternoon I got the Burley D’Lite bike trailer that Natalie and I picked up over the weekend (used off of Craigslist). It came with the jogger attachment for it so I put it together and we took the baby for a walk.
After the Natalie made dinner while I dug through the garage franticly trying to find the box with my bike helmet and racing helmet in it. I couldn’t find it and was starting to get angry when I went inside and found it sitting just inside the house. Thankfully the helmets were there! After dinner I took off on a little bike ride. I wanted to see how far it was to get to the beach, so I took off that way to see. I had my trusty Forerunner 305 so I could track the ride. About a mile into it and I was at the beach!
I headed down a single track trailer, really pushing the limits of the CX1 (alright not really, but pushing my limits) through the brush and finally having to walk about 20 feet through a very sandy patch. I rode down the trailer for a while and came across a paved trail that seems like it would be a perfect spot for towing the baby around when she’s big enough.
I ended up riding about 5.75 miles, heading down the trail a ways and then back up towards Highway 1. I took 1 back to the house to call it a night. I’m hoping that I can get a ride in 3-4 times a week, but to do that I am going to have to start getting up early and heading to work, so that I can get home and ride after work. We’ll see how that goes!
Tomorrow will be my first day commuting from Half Moon Bay to San Mateo, I’m not sure what to expect.
Here are a few additional photos I took on the ride tonight.