· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Upgraded to DotNetNuke 5.6.2
Discover the benefits of upgrading to DotNetNuke 5.6.2 for your website and learn about a successful Facebook ad campaign. Like Project350z on Facebook!

Have you upgraded your website to DotNetNuke 5.6.2 yet? I’ve upgraded a few of mine. ChrisHammond.com being one of those.
More to come next week, doubtful that I’ll get to them this week with the National Tour in San Diego this weekend!
Project350z got enough “likes” on facebook today to get our own URL https://facebook.com/project350z/ head on over and like us there! Most of the likes actually came through facebook ads. I ran an ad campaign, with a $5 max. I’m rather impressed with the results and the number of impressions the ad saw, and even the click throughs from the page to the site!