· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Announce Team ITM America for the #LSCDavis

Team Ride With Chris is now Team ITM America for the upcoming LIVESTRONG Challenge Davis. Join our charity ride or support us through donations!

Team Ride With Chris is now Team ITM America for the upcoming LIVESTRONG Challenge Davis. Join our charity ride or support us through donations!

I am proud to announce that we have officially renamed Team Ride With Chris, to Team ITM America, for our ride at the Team LIVESTRONG Challenge Davis, this June 24th, in Davis, California. You can continue to donate to the individuals on the team via the team page.

We have been looking for a new team name for a while now, and were approached by ITM Consulting out of Germany about helping to promote their new brand being launched in the United States later this summer, ITM America (www.itm-america.com)

ITM has stepped up with a large donation to the team, and has currently put us into the top 20 teams in terms of fundraising for the LIVESTRONG Challenge Davis.

I have known the folks at ITM for a couple of years now through the DotNetNuke ecosystem. They provide a wide array of IT services, including DNN integration with SAP and mobile solutions, custom module development and workflow implementations, and providing security assessments and risk abatement.

Stay tuned for more information from ITM America on their website, www.itm-america.com, while they get things together over there you’ll find a picture of Natalie and myself at a recent bike ride we did in Santa Rosa, California.

As part of the agreement we will be sporting brand new “kits” for the ride in Davis. Check out these fly threads!


If you would like to donate to the ride visit my Livestrong page

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