· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
ChrisHammond.com is now responsive
Discover the transformation of ChrisHammond.com with the all-new HammerFlex skin using Bootstrap 3 for a responsive, modern design. See the magic unfold! #webdesign #Bootstrap

My website was due for an overhauled design, somehow a full year came and went and I hadn’t done any major updates to the website. I guess that is what happens when you, move, change jobs, and have a second child in on year, time sort of magically goes away.
A couple of weeks ago I started working on a new DNN skin, to replace my MultiFunction skin that I’ve had in use here on ChrisHammond.com for a number of years now. Initially I was going to work on upgrading MF, but after giving it some thought, I felt like I wanted to start over, and this time around I wasn’t sure that I was going to create an open source skin, most likely just something that I would use for my own websites, of which I have plenty to spread the skin around on.
For this skin, which I am calling HammerFlex, I went with BootStrap 3 (https://www.getbootstrap.com), and Cerulean theme from Bootswatch (https://bootswatch.com/cerulean/). In MultiFunction I used OrangeBox3 for the lightbox for photos, this time around I wanted to use something that fit in with BootStrap so I used the Bootstap-Image-Gallery (https://github.com/blueimp/Bootstrap-Image-Gallery).
To get the Carousel on the homepage I used the Carousel plugin within BootStrap (https://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#carousel)
So what all does this mean? The website had a new look and feel, and if you were to view the website on a mobile device, the layout of the page will differ to fit the form factor of your mobile device.
All this with only a little simple HTML and Javascript magic, no development, and no recreation/duplication of content. DNN has some mobile functionality built into it, but the way it works is to actually setup a separate website altogether and duplicate your content over to that site. Bootstrap works in a much easier manner, I highly recommend you check it out if you’re a developer.