· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Project350z V3, coming soon?
Looking to build the perfect autocross car? Follow along as we dive into the search for the ideal 350z for the 2016 season at www.autocrossblog.com.
So the time has come, I am currently car shopping again. I've been threatening it for a while now, but with the 2015 Solo National Championships going on this week, and a few other life things figured out, it is time to make the 2016 autocross season happen!
So a few details. I'm once again looking at early 350z's, this time around I'm not looking for a daily driver, this next car will be built specifically for autocross and a fun weekend toy, with some daily driving here and there (thankful I have a short commute). I am looking for the perfect car, how do you define that? Well, in an ideal world the perfect 350z for me would be
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