· Chris Hammond - AutocrossBlog.com
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2018 Blytheville ProSolo Results for SSC
Join the adventure of autocrossing in SSC Cars; a thrilling weekend of speed, skill, and camaraderie in the fast-paced world of Solo Spec Racing.
In short, WOW. What an amazing weekend.
I went into the weekend hopeful that I would drive the car well, and that I would be able to prove to myself that I can hang with the big dogs. I've been autocrossing for a long time (with a few gaps in between) and while I've had some spurts of random success outside of St. Louis, I have never felt confident that I could do it repeatedly. The idea of SSC, a Spec class in Solo, was very intriguing to me, as I wanted to try to rule out “I don't have the right car”, from the equation.
The weekend started out with me leaving St. Louis just after 1pm due to a company all hands meeting. I ended up getting down to Arkansas Aeroplex in Blytheville just after 5pm on Friday evening. I parked the car and met up with my co-driver for the weekend, Kevin Dietz out of Washington state. We discussed if there was a chance to do practice starts, or take a shot at the practice course. The practice starts were wrapping up, so I quickly unloaded the car and headed over. We ended up taking 7 practice runs between the two of us, and found the car to be rather pushy.
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