· Chris Hammond - AutocrossBlog.com
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First event in SSC
First St. Louis Region Solo autocross event of 2018 kicks off with cold weather and impressive runs. Return of Natalie sparks excitement for the season.
Today was the first St. Louis Region Solo event in the 2018 series, so it was the first time out in the car, and I must say, it was great (albeit cold, windy, and even snowing/sleeting/raining at times)! Natalie got to take the first runs in the car, actually the first 6! She hasn't seriously autocrossed since 2008 when we had the Corvette, but I believe this year will be different and she'll run quite a few local events and then we'll see if I can't talk her into Solo Nationals as well. Natalie managed to get down to a 51.997 on her 4th run, but trying harder on run 5 and 6 she went the other direction on the clock. We'll see where she placed within the ladies challenge once the results are published later this week.
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