· Chris Hammond - AutocrossBlog.com
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What is SSC? Solo Spec Coupe
Uncover the evolution of Autocross with SSC, the new spec class of SCCA. Dive into a competition where car selection steps aside for a true driver's skills showdown.
Solo Spec Coupe. SSC. The next big thing in SCCA Autocross.
What is SSC? In September 2017, the Sports Car Club of America announced the creation of a new breed of autocross competition, a Spec class. Why does SCCA need a Spec class in Autocross? I say why not! Who doesn't want to take “car selection” out of the mix in autocross? If you can successfully do that, you open up the idea of a true driver's class, a real skill competition pitting driver against driver.
Read More at www.specfrs.com