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Working on a new skin, HammerHead for DNN, get in on it early!
Experience the evolution in DNN themes with our new package building on Bootstrap 4, a powerful alternative to HammerFlex.

For a while now I’ve been threatening to work on a new theme for DNN, a new package building on Bootstrap 4 (currently Beta-3) to provide an alternative to my HammerFlex skin that I first released in January 2014 (yikes, where’d the past three years go?).
Well I am finally to the point where I have it installed on my personal site (see it in action). I’ve dubbed the new skin HammerHead! You can find the source code for it on GitHub.
I haven’t yet decided when I’ll release the skin, but if you want an alpha release you can grab the INSTALL our SOURCE zip off of GitHub if you’re resourceful (hint: you can find the files here if you’re resourceful)
In honor of DNNSummit coming up, I’ve chosen to design the skin around some of the photos I took after DNNSummit last year while I was up in the mountains with
I’m open to ideas on the skin before I officially release this, so if you have any ideas, feel free to submit them on GitHub!