· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
2018 Year in Review
Reflecting on a busy 2018 - from career changes to autocross victories and tech projects - and envisioning growth in 2019. Exciting plans ahead!

Here we are, January 1st (or 2nd) 2019, and I haven’t done a year in review for 2018. This post will have to suffice, it’ll be abbreviated, 2018 was a busy year, lots of change, lots of excitement, far too much to cover in the 10 minutes I’ve allotted myself for this post tonight. This post won’t cover family items, for those you can check out all my Facebook posts.
The year started off rolling at work, ClubReady was going through an acquisition, so the first couple of weeks were busy with the song and dance that comes along with that process. By the end of the month the acquisition was completed and the changes to the organization started occurring. There was a round of changes with the new ownership, but the company came out of that process much stronger, profitable, and has grown exceptionally well since then. 2019 looks to be more growth and progress and I look forward to what I can learn to further my own career growth.
In March, I acquired a new autocross vehicle, a 2016 Scion FR-S. 2018 was the first year for a new class called Solo Spec Coupe, I jumped in full bore with the car and class, running as many national events as I could get to around the mid-west, producing one of my most successful years with the sport of autocross. I look forward to whatever 2019 brings to the SSC class, and running the year with a couple of co-drivers who I hope can push me to be even more successful with this sport.
In terms of my work with DNN (DotNetNuke) I didn’t do as much work in the open source and consulting space in 2018 as I have previous years. I did present at DNNSummit in Denver in February (and will be again in February 2019) but beyond that I was not as involved. That will be changing in 2019, I will be starting up my video tutorials again soon, and also doing more DotNetNuke Consulting. If you’re looking for some assistance with the platform be sure to let me know.
I did get a quick and dirty DNN site setup for RainbowMarks.com, my photography website. I tried to get out and shoot more in 2018, and plan to continue that trend in 2019 as well. Over the next few months I’ll be updating the website and possibly building a new photo gallery module (vertical?) for DNN to showcase all my work.
My Camera Mount didn’t see much progress this year, though it did get quite a bit of use on the FR-S. I’ll likely be working on some designs and prototypes later this year as I have my 3D Printer up and running again.
One last final bit of tech, overlapping with another hobby. I started CollectorOfJack.com as a way to document my growing collection of Jack Daniel’s bottles and gear. I plan to blog on that site at least once a week in 2019 as I try to go through all the currently collection. I took the opportunity for that site to get Orchard Core CMS up and running on Azure, so I’ve been playing in that open source space a bit. I’m hopeful to get more involved with Orchard in the coming months, in addition to my work with DNN.
Lots of plans for 2019, we’ll see how much of those I can keep up with! In addition to all the tech hobbies I’ll still be riding my bicycle and going to the CrossFit Box. See you later this year!