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SMSCC The Flagg Newsletter September 1967
Text from the September 1967 Show-Me Sports Car Club, Inc. Newsletter, out of Jefferson City, Missouri.

(Scanned Version of September 1967 The Flagg - PDF)
This newsletter was found in my father’s collection of things as I was helping him and my mother clean up as they are moving. I scanned the document with my iPhone and upload it here for archival purposes. Text below is transposed from scanned file on 4/13/2020, any transposing errors unintentional, but typos left in place from original. We’ve attempted to try to recreate the formatting below. -Chris Hammond
September 1967
The last two events sponsored under the name of' SMSCC have been real successful and a lot of credit is due to the chairmen of the events -- Bill Hammond for his July rallye and Jean Lambkin for his gymkhana in August. Even though Bill reported his rallye at the August meeting and your editor attempted to report it in the August issue of THE FLAGG, an article appears here to sum up his event.
THE BIG DAY ------------------------------------------------------ William L. Hammond
The big day was finally here. The day I had wondered about for weeks. Would it be a good rally? Would it be worth all of the time, effort, and expense that was involved? It would not be long before all my questions would be answered.
When I pulled into the IGA parking lot at noon, I saw only one car — a police car with two officers sitting in it. For some reason I knew they were there concerning the rally. Sure enough, after I started getting out the trophies and other materials, they came over to where I was setting up registration. Believe me - everything in the world was going through my mind. However, after talking with them, I discovered they were there to offer their assistance in order to avoid any traffic problems. Boy, was I relieved.
Around 12:15 the first sports car pulled into the parking lot. A green Porsche 911 with which I was not familiar, but was sure glad to see. Registration was now open.
For the next 30 to 45 minutes I was busy handling registration. So busy that I temporarily forgot about my previous worries.
It was not until registration slowed down that I really had time to look around and see who was there. Believe me, it was a wonderful sight. There were twenty-two cars setting in the parking lot, and they were all entered in the Show-Me Sports Car Club rally. There were many familiar and unfamiliar faces, and I was glad to see them all.
After all the cars were off on their afternoon hunt» I had time to look over the registration sheet. There were cars entered from all over --- Sedalia, Jefferson City, Columbia, Rolla, St. Louis, Moberly, Warrensburg - not counting the navigators which also included Kansas City, Fort Leonard Wood, and Knob Knoster.
One questions was answered — we were not going to come out in the red, we were going to make some money. But I was still wondering what the general attitude would be toward the rally when the cars came in.
As soon as the cars started coming in, I began to grade the score sheets in order to present the trophies that evening. Meanwhile the different rally teams were discussing the rally with other teams. Talking about their mistakes, the countryside, road conditions, and general sports car talk. It seemed as though everyone had a good time, the inexperienced as well as the experienced.
After announcing the results and presenting the trophies to the first three placed, the different rally teams began leaving for their destinations. The day was finally over. It had been a long day, a hot day, but an enjoyable day for all involved, most of all the rallymaster.
This summer has been one ideal for sports cars and their enthusiasts. Top down most of the time, very seldom caught in the rain, cool weather and no sun-burned heads, and good roads for sport and recreation travel. Pardon the plug for the Missouri State Highway Department, but they do have some of the best and most scenic roads in the Middle West. While not ideally suited for fast driving of the big Detroit cars, they are a real pleasure for those with small high performance automobiles. The highways here in central and southern Missouri are the most outstanding with scenery