· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Coming in 2024, and 2023 a year in review

Discover the ups and downs of riding in 2023: fewer miles, unexpected challenges, and plans for Unbound Gravel in 2024. Find out more on bicycle tips.

Discover the ups and downs of riding in 2023: fewer miles, unexpected challenges, and plans for Unbound Gravel in 2024. Find out more on bicycle tips.

So here we are, another year later. 2023 wasn’t much in terms of riding, but I’ll get to that in a bit. 2023 was quite the adventure from a family perspective. Both my parents were in memory care most of the year, fortunately in apartments side by side. In early summer my father really started struggling, had a couple of falls and spent time in the ER and hospital recovering. By the end of summer he had another couple of falls and ultimately a stroke took him from us.

Overall the family held up well during this time, but it was not without stress and struggle to get through most of the year.

I haven’t actually ridden my bike since September 17th. At that point I still had plans to ride Big Sugar Gravel in Bentonville Arkansas a month later. That didn’t happen, along with Unbound Gravel, I managed to not make either of the scheduled rides I had for the year.

So what did get accomplished on the bike this year? Almost 50% less riding than 2022, and only 1/4 of the riding from 2020! Here’s a simple breakdown.

2023 Bike Riding Stats

37 Rides
507.5 Miles
8,790’ of elevation
42 hours

So overall, a pretty down year! But 2024 will be different! I hope.

I’ve only got one scheduled ride so far this year, but it’s another big one, 100 miles at Unbound Gravel in June.

How am I going to ensure I get to participate this year? Well, hopefully my riding buddies will help me be accountable! Wigs and Wags are both planning on being there, though Wags will be there as our support crew.

Hope to see you out on the bike!

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