Scrubbing a DotNetNuke Database for user info and passwords
Learn the steps to safely send a backup of your DotNetNuke database for testing without risking your data. Backup, restore, scrub, and shrink for security! #DotNetNuke #Database #Security
Learn the steps to safely send a backup of your DotNetNuke database for testing without risking your data. Backup, restore, scrub, and shrink for security! #DotNetNuke #Database #Security
Discover tips and tricks for a successful day out with your baby! From feeding schedules to nap times, learn how to navigate trips away from home smoothly.
Learn how to move Forum threads from CommunityServer to DotNetNuke in Part 5 of our series. Find out about the CsToDNN_2.sql script and the importing process.
Excited to pick up my new car from Boardwalk Nissan ahead of schedule! Check out photos of it before the purchase here. #newcar #BoardwalkNissan
Struggling to find time to write? Prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently to complete your final Economics assignment within the next two weeks.