Pylon, the hunter....

Pylon, the hunter....

I let pylon out a few minutes ago, next thing I know I hear something weird squeeking outside. Looks like we got Rabbit number 2 tonight. He got one back in February I think, but it was still alive and kicking, and as far as I can tell once I put it outside the fence it left, or something else came and got it. The rabbit tonight didn't fare near as lucky.

I went out there and it sounded like pylon had a toy in his mouth, I heard a clicking, well, that was bones....

Finally got him to drop the rabbit, which at first seemed to still be alive, though not moving. I sat him over the fence, went in and grabbed a flash light and some paper towels. As far as I could tell upon return he was dead :( poor little guy. I was afraid I was going to have to kill him myself, which I didn't want to do.

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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

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