And then on the controls use the following to display all the information I was looking for. Just after
\"><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, \"Forum.Name\") %> This is all pretty similiar to the \"latest post control\" I released for 1.1, but some of the functions changed locations so that control no longer works without...",
"articleBody": "So I needed to modify the way the controls on the right of the homepage were showing up. So they linked to the latest post, showed the author, and the forum that they were posted in. Here's how I did it for, which is using 2.0Near the top of your default.aspx page addint getPageNumber(int replies) { int page = 1; if (replies > 15) { page = 1 + replies /15; } return page; } int getPageNumber(int replies) { int page = 1; if (replies > 15) { page = 1 + replies /15; } return page; } int getPageNumber(int replies) { int page = 1; if (replies > 15) { page = 1 + replies /15; } return page; } And then on the controls use the following to display all the information I was looking for. Just after insert - This is all pretty similiar to the \"latest post control\" I released for 1.1, but some of the functions changed locations so that control no longer works without modification."