New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

So, i've never really officially made a new years resolution before, well not one I stuck with, so for 2007 I'm making 3.

1. Lose weight, ala

2. Change my spending habits

3. Do good in school!

The first is pretty self explanatory, I eat too much, don't exercise enough, changing both of those, follow the status of my diet online at

The second, for those of you who knows me, I always have toys. When I want something, I buy it, and I don't buy the cheapest of something, I buy the best. So, for 2007 I'm hoping to change that. I'm going to attempt to curtail my spending, pay off any bills I have, and start saving money. Natalie's going to help me do this. See my first blog post from 2007 to show you how I've changed!

The third, I'm taking classes again at UMSL, I start up two weeks from tomorrow. For once I need to do well in school (college, high school was easy). I've got 30 credits of economics left to get a BS in Econ, so that's my goal. I won't finish it this year, but I hope to get at least 6 classes down, leaving my only four for 2008.

Wish me luck!

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You go, kiddo!!! I know you can do it! All your resolutions are achievable! 1. Eat healthy for yourself first, and for your family second. They want you around for a long time! 2. I know if you put your mind to it, pay yourself first, you can save a bunch!!! Wait 24 hrs. before you want it bad enough to break your resolution???? (and your mother's heart?). 3. You can be the star of the class and I'd love to come to your graduation! I know Natalie will be supportive and keep you on track!
Posted By: Anonymous on Jan 2007

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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

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