DotNetNuke 4.4.1 Released

DotNetNuke 4.4.1 Released

Check out the latest release of DotNetNuke version 4.4.1 that was made public recently. Here's a list of the changelog from

 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4234 Host/SuperUser Accounts/User Settings/User Accounts Settings does not work period  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4231 Portal aliases aren't being changed to lowercase when entering into the database  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4264 Deleting last element in a list  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4285 Deleting the "registered users" profile assigned to a user 
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4333 Adding fields to Superuser accounts/manage profile properties does not work at all  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4340 Profile Property fields, position gets lost  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4412 Cannot delete User Account module and visibly overwrites modules  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-1863 Logic error displaying cells of skins thumbnails in Admin>Skins  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-1870 ViewState problem w/Visibility container control  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-3980 Child Lists cannot be selected  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4017 Buggy list entry  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4083 After deleting a user, screen does not return to previous "display mode"  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-1258 After Delete Portal Alias object referenc not set  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4664 Email Notifications being sent to wrong email address (could have other implications).  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4683 the "Install New Features" hyperlink button does not work  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4711 Modules no longer pick up inherited page permissions automatically.  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4630 Admin cannot change password if account locked out  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4695 Problem when exporting/importing portal in 4.4.0  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4724 When adding portal alias, submit button shows as "Update"  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4735 Unable to add SkinObject definition manually  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4742 Copy page issue with Heavy Cacheing  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4752 Reset Password help is not shown  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4764 Host Specified Skin/Container Default Settings Not Applied  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4766 Portal Alias field might not get updated correctly  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4767 Deleting portals may cause crash (after following steps)  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4789 Users can be given the option to log in twice.  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4826 The tickbox next to the authorize user/unauthorize user button appears misleading and unnecessary.  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4854 UserAccounts lists strange settings  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4745 Excluded File Paths and Mime Types should apply to the Whitespace filter  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-1204 Cannot delete a Portal that has no Alias  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4862 Check Box "Enable SSL" is ignored by DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.SendMail  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4883 Clicking on Unauthorized or Online gives a list of all users.  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-2206 DeleteUserRole throws System.NullReferenceException if user is not in role  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-1428 FormatEmail Error  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-1615 User can add modules to the Admin pages 
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4463 Delete Portal - corrupts membership data of user accounts which are members of multiple portals  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4409 Bugs in "Manage Services"  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4527 Portal skins & containers incorrect under Host menu>Portals>Edit Portal>Site Settings  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4549 "Password Sent Failure" event logged incorrectly  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4582 "Marked with *" wrong.  
 Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-4524 System logg page index send you to an other portal  
 Admin / Host Functions Enhancement DNN-4398 Improvements to the manage profile form  
 Control Panel Bug DNN-4871 Field names change whilst Adding Existing Module  
 Control Panel Bug DNN-419 Localization of Classic Control Panel  
 Core Modules Bug DNN-1871 DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.GetExternalRequest() fails when called from SchedulerClient because of a very simple bug 
 Core Modules Bug DNN-4775 EnableCachePersistence Causes Exception  
 Core Modules Bug DNN-4763 Breaking change of GetModuleByDefinition parameter meaning  
 Data Access (DAL) Bug DNN-4670 GetPortalRoles stored procedure  
 Data Access (DAL) Bug DNN-4182 GetFoldersByUser Issue  
 End User Functions Bug DNN-4218 Typo in admin/Users/Password.ascx  
 End User Functions Bug DNN-4494 E-mail will not accept apostrophy  
 File Manager Bug DNN-4382 ContentType and Extensions wrong files won't d/l if they have spaces when using Firefox  
 File Manager Bug DNN-1753 UrlControl button visibility sometimes wrong 
 File Manager Bug DNN-4674 Scheduled File System Synchronisation  
 File Manager Bug DNN-1441 File Manager does not sort columns according to column header  
 General Bug DNN-1787 Deleting skin package causes multiple sites to fail  
 General Bug DNN-4184 Deprecated Function replaced by private function  
 General Bug DNN-4786 newsletter BCC send method 
 General Bug DNN-2065 Error in Default.CSS  
 General Enhancement DNN-4834 Add capability to exclude specific pages from compression  
 General New Feature DNN-4850 Add Core Service "TokenReplace"  
 HTML Editor Bug DNN-3931 Create Link renders mal-formed url  
 Localization / ML Bug DNN-4283 Resource issues  
 Localization / ML Bug DNN-4199 Affiliate Referral default values of CPC and CPA are not culture aware  
 Localization / ML Bug DNN-4077 Profile Categories not localizable  
 Localization / ML Bug DNN-4728 Failed to map the path '/Admin/Skins/App_LocalResources/Login.ascx.en-au.resx'  
 Localization / ML Task DNN-4725 Upload Language Pack - confusing terminology  
 Performance Bug DNN-4747 Compression Settings require app restart to take affect  
 Performance Enhancement DNN-4746 Whitesapce and Compression should be disabled by default  
 Security Bug DNN-4737 Error in PortalSecurity  
 Security Bug DNN-4678 CAPTCHA problem  
 Security Bug DNN-4281 SendPassword.ascx : Password Question is empty  
 Security Bug DNN-4452 Deleted Default Host login or username  
 Security Bug DNN-1662 Loggin in with locked account causes Error: Input string was not in a correct format.  
 Security Enhancement DNN-4836 add check for javascript alerts to InputFilter  
 Skinning Bug DNN-2071 Terms/Privacy usage of Skin & Container  
 Skinning Bug DNN-4474 skin thumbnails do not display in portal  
 Skinning Bug DNN-4350 Disabled page in links skin object  
 Skinning Bug DNN-1878 Parsing Skin resets Skins drop down  
 Skinning Bug DNN-4694 Printer-Icon not visible  
 UI / Usability Bug DNN-3996 Module settings issue with "Show on all pages"  
 UI / Usability Bug DNN-4033 Invalid logic with ChangePassword in Asp  
 UI / Usability Enhancement DNN-4757 Add Support for Reference Types to Property Editor  

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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

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