Chris Hammond is

Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

Find me on Twitter, GitHub and LinkedIn.


How to break a Corvette in 1 simple step

How to break a Corvette in 1 simple step

How to break a Corvette in One Simple step? Leave your Microsoft Zune plugged in and "playing" music all weekend, in 32 degree weather (garage was probably 50's)

I have a habit of just leaving my Zune on play when I get home, it's plugged into the car, so I figured no harm done, the Zune surely couldn't drain the car battery......

Well this evening around 5:40pm I headed out to go to the mall and meet my wife for dinner (she'd be shopping ALL DAY LONG). I walk into the garage, unlock the car and walk around to the driver's side. When I get over to the door I hear something, like a fan or water pump running? WTF is that, the car isn't on, I thought to myself. I also then notice the parking lights on the front of the car flashing, and the interior lights seem to be as well. I open the car and get in, step on the brake to start the car and all the lights dim greatly. Oh great, the battery is dead.

I try to start the car, click click click, yup dead battery. I open up the hood and I can hear relays going nuts up near the battery. I grab the battery that is in the garage from the 240Z and hook it up via jumper cables to the Z06, the relays stop, so that's good. I try to start the car, nothing, no dice, the battery doesn't have enough juice to jump it. I hooked the charger up to the car for a few minutes hoping it might start up, no luck there either, so Natalie came home and picked me up.

After dinner we head out to the barn to get the F350 that has been parked there for the past few weeks. I figure with the impending winter I should have it at home and drive it whenever the weather isn't playing nice. After getting home I hooked the charger up to the car again and let it sit for an hour or so. I just ran downstairs and hooked it up, all is well once again, the Corvette started right up.

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Corvette Z06

Posts, photos, and videos of my 2004 Corvette Z06 that I owned for less than a year. It saw more autocross than any other car I've owned except for the first 350z.