· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Metallica's Some Kind of Monster

Experience Metallica's journey in 'Some Kind of Monster' at the Galeria in St. Louis. A documentary covering the challenges of recording the St. Anger album.

Experience Metallica's journey in 'Some Kind of Monster' at the Galeria in St. Louis. A documentary covering the challenges of recording the St. Anger album.

Russ and I went and saw Metallica’s Some Kind of Monster last night at the Galeria here in St. Louis, Missouri. It was kind of weird that the only place in town playing SKOM was the movie theater at the Galleria. I would have expected the Tivoli, High Points, or Frontenac to be playing such a title over the Galleria theater.

SKOM is a documentary on Metallica, ranging about two years, covering the development and struggles of recording the St. Anger album.

It was a decent 2 hours, though it felt like it was 3+ hours when watching it. Watching Lars and James go at it you can’t help but laugh at how silly these two grown men are, fighting like little kids. It was a cool progression though throughout the movie watching them grow. I’m still not a fan of the St. Anger album, but I did break it back out today to listen to it again for a while.

Have you seen SKOM yet? What’d you think?

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