· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Getting Started in Club Racing Part 2!
Stay tuned for updates on my club racing journey! Acquiring safety gear for my driver's school. Interested in advertising with us? Contact [email protected].

So I haven’t had a chance to update the Getting Started in Club Racing blog lately, but I hope to over the next few weeks, as my driver’s school is FAST approaching!
I’m currently in the process of acquiring all of my safety gear for the event. A driver’s suit, underwear, a new SA 2005 Helmet, gloves, shoes, socks, you name it I’m in the market. Speaking of, I’m currently shopping around for any interested businesses looking to advertise here on SCCAForums.com that may be interested in providing some of the necessary safety equipment for my club racing efforts. Email [email protected] for more information.
I’ve gone through the process, and expense of getting my Novice permit, $100, it should be here in the mail this week. I’ve registered for the school $600.
I’ve got a lot of reading to do between now and 3/24. My copy of the GCR will be here with my Novice Permit, and I’ve got a few racing books to catch up on.
More to come on the getting started in club racing blog soon!