· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Xbox 360 Dashboard Update
Discover the latest Marketplace updates for Xbox - from queued downloads to enhanced memory management and exciting new features coming soon!

Marketplace Updates were the first thing discussed. It’s changed quite a bit, hopefully making it easier to find things!
The first and foremost is the ability to queue up downloads! You can download and keep doing other things! That’s the biggest beef with the launch dashboard, you could only DL and not do anything else. Now the DL will happen when you’re not playing a multiplayer game, and pause when you’re playing something online.
Autoboot to dashboard! Setting to allow you to boot to the dashboard even if there is a disk in the drive.
Memory management, easier to manage content on your harddrive.
Timelines for the media player now, ability to track into a song?
Fastforward through media with downloaded videos, before you could only play/pause video.
XBox Live Vision, a camera that will be released later this year and do video phone type applications.
Personal Pictures of your friends list, avatars that your friends can see.