· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

DotNetNuke Conference announced for November 2007, in Vegas!

Join the excitement in Vegas at OpenForce '07 conference! Submit speaker proposals or attend. Don't miss out on the first DotNetNuke specific event.

Join the excitement in Vegas at OpenForce '07 conference! Submit speaker proposals or attend. Don't miss out on the first DotNetNuke specific event.

Vegas baby, vegas! I know where I’ll be for my wife’s birthday, in Vegas! Check out Joe Brinkman’s blog post for more info, but basically there is a call out for speaker’s for the OpenForce ‘07 conference. I’ve already submitted a few speaking proposals for the conference, but either way, speaking or not, I’ll be there.

Hope to see more of the DNN community out there, this is the first DotNetNuke specific conference out there, so be sure to make it!

And yes, my wife will most likely be going with me, she wouldn’t dare let me go to Las Vegas on her birthday without her!

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