· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Travelling Again
Join me on my journey from Minneapolis to Indianapolis for client meetings and exciting projects, with glimpses on www.flickr.com/photos/chammond/.

So I’m here in Minneapolis teaching another week of DotNetNuke Training. It’s an interesting town, but I’m looking forward to being home again this weekend and working on the Datsun www.project240z.com
Monday it looks like I am driving to Indianapolis for the day to meet with a new client, then driving home Monday night. That’ll make for a long day, but I would rather do that then stay over night.
Check out my flickr feed for some photos www.flickr.com/photos/chammond/
While i’ve been here I’ve been trying to finish up a few chapter reviews from the production layouts for the book. I have one chapter left to review, and Pat has a chapter or two to finish up. After that I “think” we’re done with the book, but we’ll see what the publisher says!