· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Are you PC? I'm a PC and proud!

Discover a hilarious Apple store experience and how to handle pushy clerks in this amusing blog post on weblogs.asp.net. Read More for a good laugh!

Discover a hilarious Apple store experience and how to handle pushy clerks in this amusing blog post on weblogs.asp.net. Read More for a good laugh!

Are you PC? I walked into the Apple store today with Dang, it about made me sick (his macbook was broken, AGAIN). It was all I could do to respond pleasantly when one of the many (too damn many) clerks asked me if I needed help. I wanted to respond with “hell no, I’m smart enough to use a PC, I don’t need an apple product, I’m A PC” but I didn’t, I just laughed and said no thanks. I’ve been meaning to make this post for a while now, so here it goes.

Here’s why I’m a PC.

I am a software developer. I work on DotNetNuke, that’s what I do, what is DotNetNuke written in? VB.NET, who manages that? Microsoft. ASP.NET, Microsoft, C# Microsoft.

I have a media player, it’s a Microsoft Zune, I got it two years ago, the day the Zune came out and I love it! We have three Zunes in my house, my wife has two, somehow I only have one.

I have a server in my house, guess what it runs on Windows Home Server, I love it, it backs up all my computers effortlessly.

I run Windows Vista 64 Ultimate on my main desktop at home, I love it, for all the bad press Vista has, it really works, and it works far better than XP ever did for me!

I run Windows Vista Business on my laptop, see the note above, Vista Rocks!

My Wife’s laptop has XP on it, I upgraded it to Vista Ultimate and put in more ram, the thing flies, it used to freeze up in XP, no more in Vista.

I run a virus scan program, it is OneCare Live from Microsoft, it covers all our computers easily.

I create movies, videos, I do it in Windows Movie Maker (a great free video application from Microsoft)

I have a video game console, it’s a Microsoft XBox360, I love it, it plays everything I want it to play. I am ashamed though that HD-DVD lost the format wars, as I do have an HD-DVD player for my 360.

I have a smart phone, it runs Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1 and it works great! No crappy iphone necessary.

Are you PC? I’m a PC, and you should be too!

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