· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Be careful what you dream
Discover a vivid dream turned real-life cautionary tale in this blog post. Learn about a close call with a burning house and a valuable lesson learned.

So last night, or early this morning, I had a pretty vivid dream that the house was burning down. I’m pretty sure it was a cross of the fraternity house in Rolla, and the house here. Natalie was outside, I remember going in side and trying to throw all my computer stuff, and some clothing, in a bag to save.
So tonight I get home after my econ final, while Natalie is showering the barn off of her I started cooking dinner. I come back downstairs a few minutes later to a flame on the stove. I turned on one of the wrong burners, and there was a credit card letter on top of the burner cover, you know, one of those “sign up for 0%” bs letters, the thing is on fire, and the burner cover is not too far from it either.
The smoke alarm isn’t going off yet but I knew it was about to, I throw the letter in the sink and turn on the water, instant smoke machine, off goes the alarm.
Be careful what you dream!