· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Made a few changes

Exciting news! Now, all blog posts from various sources aggregate in one place on www.chrishammond.com. Stay tuned for more updates coming this week.

Exciting news! Now, all blog posts from various sources aggregate in one place on www.chrishammond.com. Stay tuned for more updates coming this week.

I made a few changes to the site this evening, a few things I’ve had planned for a while. Now, all my blog posts from https://www.project240z.com, https://www.autocrossblog.com/ and weblogs.asp.net/christoc will all aggregate here, so you can pull in my RSS feed from https://www.chrishammond.com and get whatever blog posts I make on those sites as well. The links should take you directly to the blog posts on those sites.

If you see any problems with this please let me know, I’m excited to get this flexibility built into the site and have another project to be announced later this week that will use this feature as well!

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