· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

The hounds are active in the asp.net forums!

Discover how this developer found a moment of community while working on a DNN module and offering help in the asp.net forums. Read more at weblogs.asp.net.

Discover how this developer found a moment of community while working on a DNN module and offering help in the asp.net forums. Read more at weblogs.asp.net.

Wow, tonight I was working on a DNN module and took a little breather by posting in the asp.net forums, thinking I could help a few people out. I haven’t posted there in quite a while as I am mostly active over on the forums for www.dotnetnuke.com

I took a look at a few of the unanswered forum posts and posted quick replies, with what I believed to be accurate fixes for the questions they had.

Less than 5 to 10 minutes later there were 3-4 more posts all saying basically the same thing I did. Though, most of them have nice little signatures that say “mark this as an answer if helpful”.

Do people only post in the forums anymore to rack up some “points” or what? I guess we do see the same thing over on the dotnetnuke.com forums, people essentially regurgitating someone else’s answer from earlier in the thread just to rack up their post counts.

What has this world come to?

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