· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

The new Knight Rider, what's the deal?

Discover a review of the new Knight Rider and its CGI effects. Uncover the confusion surrounding the show's format in this intriguing piece.

Discover a review of the new Knight Rider and its CGI effects. Uncover the confusion surrounding the show's format in this intriguing piece.

So I just watched the new Knight Rider. I really don’t know what the deal with the show is. There was some HORRIBLE CGI in the show, at one point they zoomed out on the car driving down a desert road. As the road got smaller I swear the car stayed the same, to where it was taking up 3/4ths of the road!

The story was alright, though I’m lost. Is this a new show? Or was this a 2 hour movie? It was promod as both, but makes no mention, and I can’t find any, about upcoming episodes.

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