· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Wednesday of Fitness Update, shorter faster bursts

Discover my latest running update: 2.5 miles logged on my Garmin Forerunner 305. Improved speed, reduced heart rate - progress in motion!

Discover my latest running update: 2.5 miles logged on my Garmin Forerunner 305. Improved speed, reduced heart rate - progress in motion!

It looks like I forgot to post about my running for Wednesday, now that it is Thursday morning I’m officially a day late for posting the data!

Lucky for me my Garmin Forerunner 305 keeps track of all of that for me so I don’t have to worry about forgetting how much I ran!

Tonight, according to the Garmin I ran/walked 2.5 miles. Unlike the past two days I did not run a complete mile in on spurt, tonight I ran harder for shorter amounts of time, still running 19 laps (18 laps to a mile at the YMCA).

The funny thing about the results from running tonight, the 2.5 measuremant from the Garmin was for 45 laps, which based on 18 laps/mile was also 2.5 miles, I’ll have to go back and look at the data and see if the Garmin has become more accurate over the past few days!

My heart rate also looks to be lowering the more I run, which I am assuming is a good sign! I haven’t hit the 190bpm that I hit on Saturday, in fact I haven’t even come close (within 10bpm) to that heart rate again.

When I ran my mile on Tuesday it looks like my BPM never went above 172bpm, while tonight it did go a bit higher, up to 179, but I was also running paces that were 3 minutes per mile faster.

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