· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Electrical Gremlins solved!
Learn how to DIY fix your Audi's ignition key and replace the oil pan gasket for big savings. Keep your car running smoothly with these simple tips!

So the big scary electrical gremlins in the Audi were an easy fix. The ignition key gets stuck a little too far forward sometimes, so as long as everytime I start the car I turn the key back in the running position everything works fine! Yay for the easy fixes.
I thought the car was burning oil, when we got it it was 2qts low, then yesterday the oil light came on so I threw some in quickly. Today I got the oil changed (for free with a coupon, score) and they did a minor inspection of the car, found an oil leak. They want $220 to replace the oil pan gasket. Yeah right, I’m not spending that! I’ll do it myself sometime soon. Also need to get that windshield replaced soon too, but I think I might try to last through winter.