· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
To blog or not to blog
Discover how an audio transcription mishap led to a correction on day 101 of this everyday blogging journey. Find out the full story here!

So here we are at day 101, I have to keep going!
Today’s blog is going to be to “correct” the blog posted last night. I used google voice transcription to post, and it didn’t exactly get what I wanted. First you should read the original post over here.
And here’s what I really said
“Hmmmm so here I am driving home from El Toro and I realize that it is day 100 of blogging every day this year I need to get a blog post done. I don't have a computer handy so I need to go ahead and use the audio features on my android phone. I meant to get the blog post done today while I was at the event site but I was unable to do so today, so I have to get day 100 of 365 done. I will go back and edit this blog post to accurately convert the proper word on day 101 but for now you have to try to translate what google really thought I meant verses what I actually said”