· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Got confidence?
Driving in snow/ice with all-wheel drive? Not a guarantee. Learn from a mishap involving a Quattro and a light pole in this cautionary tale near home.

Got confidence in your all wheel drive vehicle in the snow/ice? Well forget it, it’s better to drive without it (confidence)! The quattro got a little sideways today, all the way into and through a light pole. You know how they say most accidents happen close to your house? I was only two blocks from home. Apologies to my neighbor who was with me! And to the neighborhood for taking out a street light, fortunately for me it was only a street light and not the trees, or electrical box nearby.
I’ve slid in a vehicle before, but never like this, totally hopeless and unable to do anything. Alright, maybe once like that, and you might remember how that turned out (see photo)
Here’s the carnage of today’s little mishap.
And of course the light pole.
Lesson learned, another expensive one likely, but learned nonetheless.