· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Windows 7 is Coming, Windows 7 is Coming!
Excited for Windows 7 RTM? Learn how to upgrade your devices for the new OS. Read more at weblogs.asp.net. #Windows7 #UpgradeTips #NewOS

So it’s official, Windows 7 has RTM, that means in short order it will be coming soon! I’m excited, I will get it installed on my Laptop first, then likely buy a new hard drive and put it on my desktop, using the old HD as a virtual PC until I get everything transferred over correctly.
The timing should work out perfectly as well, I’m moving next week (www.going2colorado.com) and it should be available for the techies around August 6th, just enough time for me to get moved, unpacked, and ready to rock on the new operating system!
Windows 7 Has Been Released to Manufacturing