· Chris Hammond
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2010 Year in Review and What's coming in 2011
Experience a whirlwind year with new job, cross-country move, and baby arrival in 2010. Get ready for more blogging, photos, babies, and fitness goals in 2011!

So here it goes. The second attempt at writing this blog post. I had it 50% complete about 10 minutes ago, but then Windows Live Writer started typing backwards and then completely crapped out and went away. ##2010 In Review
So in February, on my way to Florida for one of my “fun trips” (see below) Natalie calls me to tell me that we were expecting a baby! In the three weeks prior to this phone call we had done the following:
- Accepted a new job offer
- Decided to move to California
- Purchased a 2004 350z
- Put our house on the market for sale
- Turned in my notice with Engage Software
On October 9, 2010 we welcomed beautiful Jacqueline Dominique Hammond into the world.
She had a bit of a (one hell of a) conehead due to the vacuum pump removal, but that quickly went away and she is now sporting a head shaped like her father’s (poor girl). She’s happy, healthy, and we expect her to be driving a car any day now You can find more photos and video of her at https://www.jacquelinehammond.com/
New Job
I took a new job, Director of Training Programs with DotNetNuke Corporation. I’m running the training program, travelling less than I was with Engage Software. The position consists primarily of me providing training online via webinar, but I did manage to travel to the following locations for work this year (with links to Flickr photo set if applicable).
- Sunnyvale, CA
- Washington DC
- Toronto, Canada
- St. Louis, Missouri
- Las Vegas, NV
- Idaho Falls, ID
- Seattle, WA
Due to the new job we moved to California, selling the house that we purchased in Parker Colorado on 7/31/2009, we sold it on 8/28/2010, 13 months after purchase, yes that cost us a lot of money.
Fun Travel
In terms of “fun” travel this year I made a couple of trips. In February I drove from Denver to St. Louis, and then from St. Louis to Orlando with my friend Terec to watch the Space Shuttle Endeavor launch for mission STS-130. Check out some of the photos of that trip, and the video from the launch
In February, and then again in April, Natalie and I drove from Colorado to California. Both times with trailer in town.
In July Natalie and I went to Southern California to see her parents. We stopped in Huntington Beach afterwards to visit the beach where we got engaged. We also stopped in Monterey at the Aquarium on the way back north. Check out the photos from that trip.
2010 was the year I thought I would jump full swing back into Autocross. Though that didn’t happen due to most of what is posted above. I did manage to get another 350z (my second one) and I did autocross it twice, though I was last in class both of those times. I’m definitely rusty, but I hope to clean that rust off this year and get back into the swing of things. Check out the 350z and follow my racing at https://www.project350z.com/ ##2010 Stats
Stats are likely wrong, but if accurate possibly interesting Blog post stats are for ChrisHammond.com aggregated posts and views, not views on the original posted site.
2010 Blog Posts: 207
2010 Blog Post Views: 915,581
2010 Flickr Photos Posted: 1894
2010 Flickr Photo Views: Unknown, Flickr only stores 28 days of data….
2010 YouTube Views: 309,971
All Time Stats as of 12/31/2010
Total Blog Posts: 2,242
Total Blog Post Views: 3,608,305
Total Flickr Photos: 18,644
Total Flickr Videos: 41
Total Flickr Photo/Video Views: 253,854
Total YouTube Videos Posted: 134
Total YouTube Views: 497,707
What’s coming in 2011
- More Blogging
- More Photos
- More Babies
- More Fitness
In the past I’ve attempted to blog every day of the year, last year I think I made it all of 3 days before I screwed that one up. A couple years prior I made it into April. Well, this year I’m going to attempt it again, which means at the end of the year I should have at LEAST 365 blog posts, one every day. If you viewed the stats above you will recall that in 2010 I had 207 total blog posts. Not all the posts will be made originally here on ChrisHammond.com but I do try to aggregate all posts here, so they should show up here within a day or two after the original post.
Goal: Blog once a day every day this year, depending on timing, I will try to at least write one post a day, if I’m not connected to the web (due to travel) for a day the post might be delayed till connection is found.
More Photos
From the stats you can see I posted ~1894 photos on Flickr in 2010. I will easily surpass that. I got a new camera bag for Christmas, and hopefully will get a lens or two in 2011 to go with the expensive camera body I have. If that all happens definitely look to see more photos posted! You can find my “Collections/Sets” here on the Photos page.
Goals: Post 1 self portrait per on Flickr for #Flickr365. Post a weekly Video and Photos of Jacqueline on JacquelineHammond.com
More Babies
Alright, so this isn’t really a 2011 item, but sometime Natalie and I will likely try to have another baby. Maybe that process starts in 2011, maybe 2012. It likely won’t be too far out though!
More Fitness
Yeah, I’ve said this one before too, and it hasn’t really gone anywhere. But this is it. My goal for 2011 is to hit 225lbs, I currently weight 255lbs, and have been pretty much at this weight for the past 2 or 3 years consistently. 2011 will be the year that Microsoft Kinect changes me! Or something like that. Beyond the goal of just hitting 225lbs, I also want to do the following, which will help me reach that 225 goal.
Post #1 of >365 for 2011