· Chris Hammond
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So the other day I was at the airport waiting to pick up Natalie and Jacqueline from their flight back from LAX. I walked into the book store just outside the security gate. I found a couple of books I liked, and almost thought about purchasing them. But I stopped, I chose not to purchase them. Instead, I loaded up amazon.com on my Droid and I found the three books there.
I chose not to actually purchase them at that point, but I added them to my Wishlist so that I would have them there to purchase later on.
I actually did something similar a few weeks ago, not quite adding things to a wishlist, but when we were in St. Louis I went to a Borders that was closing, and had everything at 30% off. I picked up 3 or 4 hardback books and was about to check out. But I then decided to do a quick search on Amazon to see how much the books were. One of the books from Borders was $19.95-30%, from Amazon it was $8.95 in hardback, brand new. Wish Amazon Prime, and lack of sales tax, I can get the book for $8.95 shipped two day.
Sorry book stores, but I don’t see how I will buy much from you in the future.