· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Cutting the fat, no more crap

Discover why I'm cutting out online habits like Foursquare and Cartown, and how I'm tackling my weight loss journey to achieve my goal of 225lbs!

Discover why I'm cutting out online habits like Foursquare and Cartown, and how I'm tackling my weight loss journey to achieve my goal of 225lbs!

So this post is actually going to cover two different things.

First, I’ve decided to stop with a few things electronically. I’ve taken part in Foursquare over the past year or so, and I find myself trying to get points checking in to places I’m driving by. I also realized that I really don’t need to check in anywhere, even the places I go. Foursquare, to be honest, is useless to me. So long Foursquare, at least for now. I also find myself playing “Cartown” on Facebook. I go there daily, sometimes multiple times a day, and all I do is click through my “jobs” and then go on to other things. As of now, the game is pointless. It’s just habit. So, that too is getting cut. No more Cartown for me.

Now for the real cutting the fat topic. Saturday I started a new weight loss plan. Right now the plan is to better control what I eat, not consume as much, not eat more than I should at every meal. I started out Saturday morning at 259lbs, my goal is 225lbs. I’ve got myself a reward attached to that as well. I want to hit 225lbs and hold at that weight (+-5lbs) for 3 months. If that happens, then I can get my reward. A Motorcycle Open-mouthed smile

I’ve tried that goal before, we’ll see how it works this time around.

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