· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Tsunami warning in Colorado

Discover the thrilling moment captured as helicopters fly under the Golden Gate Bridge in the Bay Area. Witness the excitement with stunning photos!

Discover the thrilling moment captured as helicopters fly under the Golden Gate Bridge in the Bay Area. Witness the excitement with stunning photos!

No, you won’t likely see that happening anytime soon. But here we are in the Bay Area of California and woke up this morning to news of a Tsunami warning in the San Francisco Bay Area. We live at around 700’, so I wasn’t worried about it getting anywhere near here, but I work in a building that is within reach of sea level. Fortunately things never really panned out, at least not in the bay area.

This is the only thing I have seen from a surge in the bay

Tsunami makes its way to Emeryville, CA (SF area)
photo copyright Dr_Speed on Flickr

We even went into the city this afternoon/evening to take a friend who was visiting from “out of town” sight seeing. The first thing we did was headed up to the Golden Gate Bridge to show our guest. While there a girl came running down the path and said “have you seen a helicopter go through here?”. To which we replied no.

She said that her cousin sent her a text message that said he would be flying a Cobra under the bridge at 4:15, it was 4:12 at the time. So we stuck around. It wasn’t long (maybe 10 or 15 minutes) before we finally heard the roar of the choppers coming, and then we could see them. Pretty amazing site to see them flying under the bridge, I just wish I had a better lens to go with my nice camera!


Click here to see more photos from our trek

While we were there we also took a family photo or two.

Family Photo

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