· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
What are your Reasons2Ride?
Discover how Joel at reasons2ride.com is transforming his life through biking. Follow his journey for inspiration on fitness and weight loss goals at BicycleTips.com.

So I am stealing the title for this posting, but I swear I have a good reason for doing so! When I finally got around to setting up this BicycleTips website I stumbled across another guy who started blogging this year about biking.
Joel over at at www.reasons2ride.com has a great website coming along. Be sure to head on over and follow his progress. In short, Joel got fed up with his life, his weight, and decided to change things. Something I completely understand. I have a very similar goals, to get in better shape, and to lose weight. Bicycling is my method to achieve those goals, just as Joel’s.
Though Joel has had more success on the weight loss front, I am not at all disappointed in my improvements so far. I’m definitely in better shape than I have been in a while, and I think I am finally slowly starting to lose some of that weight.
Another reason I like reading Joel’s posts, besides the progress he is making with his personal fitness, improving life, he’s from Denver. He even recently attempted his first 14er, something that Natalie and I had planned to get doing (trying to hit as many of the 14ers as we could) before we abruptly moved from Colorado to California.
If we still lived in Parker I would head over and go riding with him. Maybe one day when we move back to Colorado I will.
Now, where are all my bicycle tips? Well, life has been busy! I’ve been on the road for 2.5 weeks out of the last 3, so I haven’t had a whole lot of time to ride, though on our last trip down to Los Angeles I did manage to get about 50 miles in over three rides, 1 of which was a 30 mile ride with my wife. I’m a tad sore from that one, but looking forward to doing that again soon.