· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Is Windows Live Writer still the best desktop blogging solution?
Discover if Windows Live Writer is the best solution for desktop blogging in 2022. Test its compatibility with Windows 8.1 and share your thoughts in the comments.

This post is really a test of sorts. If you can read it, that means that Windows Live Writer still works as a desktop blogging platform. It’s been many years since I’ve actively blogged, but so far for 2014 I’m 2 for 2 (3 for 3 if this works). In the days of old, Windows Live Writer (WLW) was a great little tool for blogging, creating and saving your blog on your PC, then easily publishing it out to your website.
This post will prove that Windows Live Writer still works, even with Windows 8.1. Does the blog answer the question though, is WLW the best desktop blogging solution still? It appears that WLW hasn’t been updated in close to two years. So you tell me, do you think WLW is the best solution to blogging from your desktop? Post a comment below.