· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Benefit of cold weather cycling, Clearing The Sinuses
Discover the health benefits of year-round bicycle riding, including clear sinuses and staying in shape for optimal riding seasons.

There are many obvious health benefits to riding your bicycle, and by riding your bicycle year-round, you can work to keep your body in shape for the prime riding in Spring, Summer, and Fall. One of the best benefits I’ve found to cold/chilly weather riding is the clearing out of the sinuses!
For the past two weeks or so, I’ve had a slight head cold, sinus infection perhaps? Every time I head out to ride, I clear right up. I’m not the snot rocket kind of rider, have never even attempted it, as I know I would just get snot all over myself in the attempt, so most of my “clearing” goes the other way, which I easily dispose of to the side of the road with a targeted discharge from the kisser.
Next time you are feeling a little closed up in the sinuses, head out for a bike ride, get your heart pumping, and do your best to try to breathe through your nose, see if you can’t get that head cleared right up.