· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
BicycleTips.com Event Calendar
Stay updated on the latest cycling events and tips! Visit bicycletips for more information and be prepared to pedal your way to adventure.

As 2019 comes to a close (in a couple of months anyways) registration for 2020 events around the world are starting to open up. We’ve already had the registration for the 2020 LandRun100 open and fill. In order to try to ensure that we personally don’t miss registration for any events we want to attend, and so that we can try to plan out what 2020 might look like, we through a Google calendar together.
On this calendar we’re adding events that we are thinking about attending, as well as reminders for registrations dates for those events. This is by no means a comprehensive list of events, so far it contains the events we are considering attending here, mostly in the MidWest. We’re open to adding other events to this calendar, if you’d like to see your event added drop us a line.
Now, get on over to the Event Calendar page here on the site and check it out! Registration for The Epic (MO) opens up this Thursday.