· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

I have a new YouTube channel

Discover a new channel dedicated to vintage racing footage at Videos.racing! Subscribe for SCCA Races from the 60s and 70s, plus more exciting racing content.

Discover a new channel dedicated to vintage racing footage at Videos.racing! Subscribe for SCCA Races from the 60s and 70s, plus more exciting racing content.

So over the years I’ve uploaded ALL of my YouTube content to the same channel, so there is a mix of DNN Training videos, Racing videos, family videos, and even a refrigerator repair video. I’ve never had anyone actually complain about the mix of content, but I have always thought that the Racing and family videos kind of get in the way, as most of the views on my channel are for the tutorial type videos.

I also recently acquired all my dad’s old 8mm and Super8 films, and have started going through those. In those are a number of different videos of various SCCA Races from the 60s and 70s. I am planning to digitize as much of these films as I can, in the best quality that I can. As I work towards figuring out how to do that, I’ve started to go through some of the footage and simply digitize it by projecting it on the wall and then recording that projection.

I’ve created a new channel, and even a new domain name, for that footage, and all future racing footage that I take (or old racing footage that I’ve also shot) to reside. Welcome to Videos.racing (the domain) and the Videos.racing YouTube Channel. If you’re at all interested in my racing content, please throw that channel a quick subscription!

Here is one of those clips from Ponca City, Oklahoma taken in 1973

You can also subscribe to my main channel where I will continue to post tutorials type content.

And if you’re up for it, subscribe to the kid’s J&D Show channel as well!

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