· chris
More wedding photos!
Explore the stunning moments captured at the wedding with 1222 photos now on my Flickr account. #WeddingPhotography #Flickr #CherishMemories
Explore the stunning moments captured at the wedding with 1222 photos now on my Flickr account. #WeddingPhotography #Flickr #CherishMemories
Morning Weight: 257lbs;Breakfast: Frosted Rasberry PoptartsLunch: Dewey's Pizza, Candied Walnut/Grape Salad, couple slices of Meatball...
Discover how daily food choices impact weight fluctuation. Learn how a breakfast of Raspberry Pop Tarts may lead to a higher bedtime weight.
Read about my unforgettable commute alongside Aeneas Williams. Find out what happened during our time on the road together.
Get ready for baseball season by watching The Natural! Find out why this classic movie has fans counting down the days until April.