![I purchased and sold a 2011 Nissan Leaf](/_astro/2024Shots-10.B78BkSmP_Qeux9.webp)
I purchased and sold a 2011 Nissan Leaf
Discover the journey of selling a Nissan Leaf and the reasons behind parting ways with this electric car. Find out the backstory behind this decision.
Discover the journey of selling a Nissan Leaf and the reasons behind parting ways with this electric car. Find out the backstory behind this decision.
Discover tips and tricks for a successful day out with your baby! From feeding schedules to nap times, learn how to navigate trips away from home smoothly.
Excited to pick up my new car from Boardwalk Nissan ahead of schedule! Check out photos of it before the purchase here. #newcar #BoardwalkNissan
Stay updated with the recap of 2011: blogging commitment, #Flickr365 photos, autocross events, baby's growth, and plans for the Super Bowl weekend!
Looking to downsize your vehicle? Follow our journey as we search for the perfect cars to fit our California lifestyle, battling Automotive ADHD along the way.