· Chris Hammond
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Harley Weekend Review (Saturday)
Embark on a scenic motorcycle adventure from Illinois to Missouri with stunning views and unexpected detours. Join the journey for an unforgettable ride!

A continuation of the weekend discussion.
I didn’t get home until 11:30pm Friday night, so our plans of meeting up at 7AM didn’t quite happen. Kevin and I planned to meet at Fast Eddie’s Bon Air in Alton Illinois at 9:15. Before leaving the house I took a few photos.
I stopped to fill the bike up with gas on the way there, that put me at Fast Eddie’s around 9:25, a few minutes late. Kevin on the otherhand, didn’t show up till 9:55 or so. Apparently Illinois boy got lost over there on those complicated Illinois Roads.
From there we headed north up the Great River Road. We had planned on getting some breakfast and stopped at the Loading Dock in Grafton IL. It was 10:30, and they didn’t open until 11, so we kept riding. In Grafton they were setting up for floodfest. We ended up driving 40 miles north of Alton before deciding to turn around and make our way back to the loading dock. Here’s a quick shot I took after we finished eating lunch, a photo from where the two rivers meet.
From The Loading Dock we went a block north to the Grafton Ferry and caught a ride back to the Missouri side. We headed west towards Highway 94 and took 94 south through downtown St. Charles. After a slow ride through the cobblestone streets of St. Charles we headed down the river roads on the Missouri river past the Family Arena and down Greensbottom Road, near mom and dad’s old house in Weldon Spring.
We hopped back onto 94 and continued south/west towards Defiance and the Wineries. We were getting short on time, by now it was nearly 2:30pm and we had to return to the bikes to Doc’s by 4pm on Saturday.
We made a stop at Terry & Kathy’s Inn there in Defiance, I’d been by there many times but never on a bike, and I’d never stopped, so we pulled over and had a drink. We snapped a few photos before heading back to Doc’s.
We filled the bikes up one last time at the Shell station on Lindberg and returned everything to Doc’s. The weekend was great, I know I had a blast, and I think Kevin did as well. My body was extremely sore from the whole ordeal, but that’s just a sign I need to get in shape.
We’ll do this again later in the summer, perhaps for a full weekend this time instead of just 24 hours.